Escape to the Highlands

The Lowland Laird

Symon MacKinnon, eldest son of the chieftain, spends his days training with his sword and his nights drinking his clan’s famous whisky. But after many peaceful years, the clan is unprepared for the attack that seems to come from all sides. He fights like the devil but seeing his father and brothers slaughtered and the keep laid low by the marauders, he is barely able to escape with his sister and one young clansman in tow.

The Highland Miss

Johanna Murray never had an easy life but the past two years have been especially difficult since her parents sold her as a servant to a family that mistreated and frightened her.  She tries to make the best of it but when they humiliate her in public, pushing her down on a muddy town street, Johanna is holding onto her pride by a thread.

A clan of their own

Symon can’t believe his eyes when he sees a small cluster of people kicking at a young woman in the street. He intervenes before he can stop himself and finds himself lost in the most beautiful blue eyes he’s ever seen.  How will he save this beautiful woman when he couldn’t save his clan?    He’ll find a way—not only to rebuild his clan but to rescue the woman who captured his heart with a single look.