I’m so excited about this new series because I absolutely love the new cover and I love going back to Ramsay land. But it’s also fun to start in a new land-Black Isle. 

But you all wish to know how many books and which characters will be in this series, so I’ll give you my best guess. 

Here we go!



  1. Brigid and Marcas-The Curse of Black Isle
  2. Jennet and Ethan
  3. Gisela and Padraig
  4. Tara and Shaw
  5. Riley Cameron
  6. Tad Menzie
  7. Elyse Menzie

This is only a guess. I don’t know exactly where this series will take me, but I think it will be fun! Expect a little faerie dust to be sprinkled about, especially when you get to Riley Cameron’s story and the finale of the series-Elyse Menzie. 

That’s all I can tell you. The rest happens when I’m in the story. 

AND just a clarification…this series takes place BEFORE Highland Swords. I know this confuses some people, but blame Covid. I had to go to the end last year, and it was before I filled in all the pieces. Now I’m writing back in the second generation, and I have so many characters left that I can go on for a while. But this series takes place in the 1290s, and Highland Swords was in the 1300s during Robert the Bruce’s busiest times. 

Happy reading!