What’s next?

Just a quick update to let you know what’s coming. I actually have three novels nearly completed, but I haven’t chosen the release dates yet. 

  1. Trusting the Scot-#2 in the Soulmate Chronicles takes Graeme and Catherine back to Earth to continue their quest to earn the next level in angelship. They will be sorely tested again, this time by a piece of Scottish history that is so loathsome, many sites shy away from mentioning it. It is part of King Edward’s pursuit to conquer the Scots. It’s also a great illustration of why he wanted to be known as the Hammer of the Scots. This will probably be released the first week in February. 
  2. The first in my new series called Highland Swords, the story of the three grandsons born on the same night to Alasdair Grant.  They are joined by Dyna, Connor and Sela’s daughter. The only thing I can tell you is that this series will have at least four books, but probably more. We shall see! The Scot’s Betrayal will release in the first half of March.
  3. A contemporary paranormal novella featuring Logan and Gwyneth Ramsay as ghosts who come forward in time to assist their descendants. They are every bit as strong as ghosts as they were in 13th century Scotland. This will release in mid-March. 

It’s been a while, so I just wanted to let you know that good things are coming. I can’t wait!


Keira Montclair