Highland Sparks-My Favorite Scenes


Highland Sparks

I didn’t know if I could find someone who would inspire a wayfaring hero like Logan Ramsay to wed, but Gwyneth sure did, and he still loves his “Gwynnie.”

Favorite scenes:

  1. THE FOOD. Gwyneth is impressive from the first, and I love when she catches more rabbits than the two guards combined. One of Logan’s most charming moments is when he heads into the woods after they sup on the rabbits to find treats for the lassies. He comes back with hazelnuts and more.
  2. THE COLD.  Gwyneth and Ashlyn refuse to be near any of the men when they must sleep on the ground, but Gracie cozies right up to Logan’s heat. By the middle of the night, he shelters all three of them, and with honor. This marks Gwyneth’s first step in learning to trust Logan Ramsay.
  3. THE CONTEST. Can’t help but love watching Logan lose to a lass in an archery contest judged by Loki(and it so entertains his brother!), but my favorite part is how distracted he is by Gwyneth in leggings. Did they wear them back then? I have no proof, but as in any other time in history, I’m sure there were females raised by males who opted to dress like their brothers. It wasn’t about convenience—it was the best way she could guarantee accuracy with her bow.
  4. GWYNETH IS ATTACKED BY A BOAR. Not that it’s my favorite to see her attacked, but this is the first time she allows herself to be truly vulnerable. Oh, and Logan holds her when she cries.
  5. GWYNETH’S INITIAL FAILURE TO KILL THE VILLAIN. Gwyneth finally has the opportunity to kill Duff Erskine, the man who killed her brother and sire, but she fails. It’s awful to see her suffer, but Logan once again proves his worth by holding her in the thunderstorm.
  6. LOGAN’S GIFT. Who killed Duff Erskine anyway? Was it Gwyneth’s dagger that Logan bought her at the fair, or was it the one Logan bought for himself, coincidentally exactly the same as the one he bought Gwyneth? No one knows for sure.
  7. LILY IN THE TREES. Gwyneth has to defeat her fear of heights to save a wee lassie, and Torrian’s beloved dog, Growley, assists her.

Honorable mentions:

How can you not love Father Rab? I regret I haven’t included him in more novels. He does show up in a couple more, but not many.

Lady Arlene accepts Gwyneth, leggings and all, and thanks her for loving her son.

The wedding, the only time Gwyneth ever dons a gown (for Lily), and the sweet place Logan created for their wedding night. Swoon!

Did I forget any of your favorites?

Happy reading,

Keira Montclair