What’s next?



So here’s a quick look at what’s coming: 

  1. Highland Abduction- Book 2 in The Band of Cousins-David’s story is here! I’m excited to keep the cousins moving along. 
  2. Highland Retribution-Book 3 in The Band of Cousins-Braden and Cairstine’s story is moving right along. I’m on my first round of edits. I plan to release this novel in early June for your summer reading pleasure! 
  3. My release in August will be the third book in the trilogy I’m working on with Emma Prince and Cecelia Mecca. I am loving working with these two wonderful writers! I did a recent poll where I asked readers what else they would like to see me write and quite a few asked for a time-travel novel. You’re going to get your wish! This is a time-travel novel set in Scotland. 
  4. Sometime in October will probably be the 4th book in The Band of Cousins. I’m not sure, but I think this will be Gavin’s story. 
  5. The last in 2018  should be the next in The Soulmate Chronicles.

That’s it! It’s going to be a GREAT year! 

